3 Ways Counseling Can Help You Cope with Anxiety
/Counseling in Colchester, CT
3 Ways Counseling Can Help You Cope with Anxiety
You have been feeling anxious for the past few months. The stress of the pandemic has also added fears, worries, and concerns. Your mind races leaving it difficult to focus, difficult to fall asleep, and difficult to feel motivated. You feel irritable and accidentally raise your voice to people you love and care about.
You tell yourself you can manage, that you can get through this by yourself. You search online how to cope with anxiety and decide to give yoga a try only to discover it is hard to be present and in the moment when the moment is disrupted b catastrophic thoughts and several what-if scenarios. You try to meditate, but the worries and racing thoughts feel too fast and too loud to focus on the meditation. Despite your best efforts the anxiety is not budging. You do a Google search on counseling in Colchester, but you are not really sure how counseling could help.
Anxiety Therapy in CT
This is where anxiety therapy can help. It is common to reach out to a therapist or counselor when struggling with anxiety. Therapy can have so many amazing benefits to one’s emotional well-being. Here are three ways counseling can help you cope with anxiety.
1. You can learn what sets off your anxiety. Through talking to a therapist you can learn what activates anxious thoughts and feelings.
2. Counseling can help you learn new and helpful coping strategies. Once you have identified some of the things which may activate anxiety, you can then learn how to cope with those triggers.
3. Therapy helps you take care of yourself at least once a week and feel heard by your therapist. When you attend therapy, you are committing to time to work on yourself each week with someone who understands anxiety and will not judge you.
Counseling in Colchester, CT
You have tried coping with anxiety by yourself, but the anxiety has not let up. Consider trying therapy to work through anxious thoughts and develop new coping skills. Click here to read more about anxiety therapy, panic attack therapy, and online therapy. It is time for yourself to take care of yourself. Call or email to set up a free 15- minute phone consultation today!